Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tip # 1: Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks when working out.  It is easier to get dehydrated in warm summer months, especially when exercising or playing sports outside.  Drink water before heading outside to prevent dehydration. Water is the best drink, but if you want flavor add in a lemon wedge! Lemon water has many benefits such as: reducing inflammation, aiding in digestion, giving an energy boost & even fights viral infections. 

Tip #2:  Since we tend to be more active and physical in the summer, our muscles and joints often pay the price. Whether running, playing sports or gardening, an increase in physical activity can cause our bodies some discomfort. To prevent sore muscles be sure to do a few stretching exercises before and after any activity.
Stretching helps to:
  • Reduce Muscle Tension and make the body feel more relaxed
  • Prevent muscle strains: a strong pre-stretched muscle resists stress better than a strong unstretched muscle
  • Prevent joint strains
  • Reduce the risk of back problems
  • Promote circulation
  • Reduce muscle soreness

Tip #3If you're having frequent muscle spams and cramps, reduce your sugar intake. Sugar builds up lactic acid in the muscles which can cause cramps and spasms during or after any physical activity. Taking magnesium, which serves many functions in the body, may also assist in reducing cramps. Magnesium is great for contracting and relaxing muscles, but this mineral is also essential to transporting energy, maintaining the immune system and strengthening the bones, to name only a few. 

Tip #4:  Get Plenty of Vitamin D3  This is the best time of year to get Vitamin D3 because it is free! Our skin makes vitamin D3 when exposed to direct sunlight, which means we do not have to purchase supplements. 15-20 minutes a day during the strongest rays (10 am to 2 pm) with the most skin exposed will generally provide individuals with their optimal daily dose. But this needs to be done without sunscreen! Sunscreen will block the reaction between our skin and the sun and prevent the production of Vitamin D3 in our body. If you are unable to tolerate the sun, supplementation of 5000-10,000 IU’s a day is necessary. Vitamin D3 has been shown to boost the immune system, promote healthy bones and teeth, may prevent cancer, fight depression, help brain development (especially in pregnancy and infancy), stop inflammation and more.

Summer is a great time to get healthy on all levels, but it is important not to overdo it. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the best that summer has to offer.

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